Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Hey look a store!

Hey guys, Thought Bubble was amazing this weekend! So I've set up a little quick store if you'd like to have a chance of grabbing some of the merch I was selling this weekend!

very limited stock!

Check it out on the store tab above the post or click this link : STORE


Saturday, 11 July 2015

Re-boot buzz!

After seeing the new picture of the New Ghostbusters in their gear I got excited and made this:

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Thought Bubble Comic Con Leeds 14-15th Novemeber

So yesterday I found out I was going to be an exhibitor at this years Thought Bubble Sequential Art Festival​ November 14 -15th in Leeds, http://thoughtbubblefestival.com/ which is so frigging cool! Here is what I'll be taking:

Comic 1: Dungeon Raiders ( made by me)
Comic 2: The Streaker ( Written by Chad Colpitts Art by me )
Comic 3 (kind of): Printed post cards of my web comic strips

Money being a key factor and how long it takes to make my comic I hope to bring maybe a poster and a set of stickers :P

I hope you all make space in your calendar and come on down and check it out =D

Here is the front cover to Dungeon Raiders and one of the Covers of The Streaker ( Art subject to change )

Hope to see you in November!

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Dungeon Raiders: Gwen Iron Boar

Hey guys I thought I'd give you a little updates on what I've been up to. When I'm not at my animation job, or working on the freelance projects I have, I manage to squeeze in a little time to work on the board game I've been trying to make since last year called Dungeon Raiders!

I finally sorted the main rules out this weekend and can't wait till I have to the time to delve deep into working it all out and get a test play together.

Can't say much about it atm but here is some character art I've made for one of the characters you'll use in game.

Gwen Ironboar the Warrior!

Can't wait to start working on this project fully!
