Tuesday, 31 July 2012

New Job!

I have a new job working at Alton Towers Theme Park as a Caricature artist. It's long hours most of the week but it's a very fun job, just getting paid to draw all day =P

Here are some of my practice drawings I've done!

 Batman Collection! I plan on drawing all the batman heroes and villains I can think of at work.

Monday, 16 July 2012


Hey guys, just to let you know I haven't got the internet at home atm so my posts will be very far apart, but to hold you over for a while here are all the character designs so far for my Comic OH SH*T ZOMBIES!

The first Issue is half way done in the drawing stage, so Hopefully will be finished in the next couple of weeks!


Saturday, 14 July 2012


I have now officially graduated! Scary stuff, I now have to go out into the real world and get a job! Check me out in my graduation clobber!

- Matt